Become the best teacher you can be
HMC schools are committed to the professional development of their staff. This includes teachers at all levels of their career from trainees, ECTs (Early Career Teachers), experienced teachers, those aspiring to – or working in – middle and senior leadership roles, and heads.
HMC schools recognise that professional development is important to help you to become the best teacher you can be and to meet your career ambitions.
There are well-defined and distinctive career paths at HMC schools, which can enable speedy career progression.
For trainees, ECTs and those early in their careers, there is considerable structured professional development support, where external courses and in-school training, can develop your knowledge across a wide range of topics including safeguarding, exam assessment, mental health and how to get the best from your pupils.
Professional development plan for teachers
An HMC school’s commitment to your professional development will continue as you become an experienced teacher and your career progresses. There are regular performance development reviews, and courses and training opportunities can be chosen to enable you to broaden and update your knowledge, and keep abreast of new initiatives and innovations.
Professional development for teachers is a priority in HMC independent schools. Structured teacher development programmes can be found in HMC schools. There is a focus on supporting you to excel in your teaching role and to help you to progress your career in a direction of your choosing.
UK teacher development programme
There are over 300 HMC Member schools in the British Isles. The approach to professional development in HMC schools is highly personalised and can be tailored to enhance your expertise in your specialist subject or help you to progress your career towards leadership roles, such as head of department or pastoral management positions.
Career aspirations vary from individual to individual which is why tailored teacher development plans are important to help you to maximise your career and fulfil your passion for teaching. Professional development for teachers is placed at the forefront in HMC independent schools to help teachers to achieve their career goals and deliver the best possible education.
Development plans for UK teachers
If you are an ECT in an HMC school, your professional development will be a key aspect of your induction programme. As well as agreeing personalised aims with your dedicated in-school tutor and attending internal training, ECTs whose induction is overseen by the Independent Schools Teacher Induction Panel (ISTIP) will attend three ISTIP training days over a two year programme. These are run by other independent schools which mean the content is geared towards teaching in the independent sector and you can network with teachers in your subject and key stage, as well as trainers, whose experience is relevant to you.
For those aspiring to – or working in – middle, senior leadership or headship roles, we have our own HMC Professional Development (HMCPD) service.
Training and development by HMCPD is highly contextualised, catering specifically towards the needs of leaders in independent schools, and HMC schools in particular.
The service aims to encourage and support excellence in teaching, learning and school leadership with the 80 courses and conferences it provides each year.

Adam Lambert, head of physics,
Blundell's School